3 Color Dessert (Che Ba Mau) is a refreshing and eye-catching Vietnamese dessert. Also known as Vietnamese...
It is a Vietnamese dish consisting of pork, prawn, vegetables, rice noodle, and other ingredients wrapped in...
Thin egg noodles are transformed into crispy golden nests. Piled high with savoury stir-fried beef, shrimp and...
Laksa is a spicy noodle soup popular in the Peranakan cuisine of Southeast Asia. Laksa consists of...
Crispy grilled chicken served with a mountain of rice and flavour packing house made ginger sauce with...
A traditional Vietnamese soup, where thin strips of beef are ‘cooked’ in a hot, aromatic broth in...
This classic Vietnamese dish combines crispy spring rolls with fresh herbs, grilled pork, sweet and spicy sauce...
Traditionally brewed in a “phin” – a small metal cup that fits over a mug or cup...
This Vietnamese dish is very popular at Vietnam Corner. Strips of chicken are marinated with lemongrass, garlic,...