A perfect blend of spicy broth, fresh herbs, and succulent seafood, topped with perfectly cooked noodles. This...
This steaming bowl of perfection features succulent diced pork, nestled in a fiery broth, harmoniously complemented by...
Szechuan Spicy Dry Pot is a popular Chinese dish that features a variety of meats, vegetables, and...
Malatang is a popular Chinese hot pot dish that originates from the Sichuan province. It’s a spicy...
Bo Bo Ji or Chilli Oil Skewers is a popular classic street snack you can find in...
Spicy Crispy Pork is a popular Chinese dish with succulent pork coated in a crispy batter and...
Baked eggs in a hearty spiced onion, roasted capsicum and tomato sauce, and fetta with a side...
Large crispy piece of boneless fried chicken topping a house made waffle. Topped off with a poached...
One of the most popular street foods in China. Aromatic, spicy, and mouth-tingling! Egg noodles topped with...
Flavourful, aromatic, and spicy! Build your own bowl by picking from their selection of fresh ingredients. Weigh,...
Their signature dish! Build your own bowl by picking from their selection of fresh ingredients. Weigh, and...
Kung Pao chicken, also transcribed Gong Bao or Kung Po, is a spicy, stir-fried Chinese dish made...
The green beans are “dry-fried,” a Szechuan cooking technique that makes the beans very tender and keeps...
Cumin lamb is a special dish from China. It is popular in northwestern China and plays a...
This spicy and sour salad is always a popular choice. It makes for a great side with...
Laksa is a spicy noodle soup popular in the Peranakan cuisine of Southeast Asia. Laksa consists of...
Char kway teow is made of a mix of flat rice noodles and yellow wheat noodles. Stir-fried...
Tender fish fillet poached in seasoned water, then topped with spices, Sichuan boiled fish is tasty, pungent...
Spicy cold noodle dish, with a chewy bite. Chilli oil and chilli flakes, topped with crushed peanuts...
Served with oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, rice wine and the spiciness of fresh red chilies, these...
Sichuan Boiled Fish (Shui Zhu Yu, 水煮鱼) Made using the whole fish, it is heavy on chilli ...
Whole fish is grilled with sauces made with Doubanjiang, garlic and Sichuan peppercorn. The fish is roasted...
Dry pot, developed from hot pot, has the same intense spicy flavour but no boiling broth. All...
Choose your items, numbing level, and spicy level then enjoy! Mala (麻辣) means numbing and spicy, while tang (烫)...
Choose your own ingredients and then they get cooking in this spicy soup bowl. Very addictive and...
Some of the wide range of ingredients available to go in your bowl!
Choose your own ingredients and enjoy in the non-spicy version of their malatang soup. Perfect for those...
Choose your own ingredients and enjoy the dry version of their malatang. This version is stir-fried version....
A wide range of options to add into you bowl. There are no wrong choices!
The popular street food is effectively a hotpot being served in a fast food style. Its raw...
Dry pot or Ma la xiang guo (麻辣香锅) is a “newer”, but already popular dish. Ma la...
A hearty bowl of thin noodle pasta filled with seafood and vegetables. Finished off with a complimenting...
When freshly cooked, these duck tongues are tender, sweet and spicy with a creamy, slightly fatty interior...
Originating in Malaysia, Laksa is a rich spicy coconut milk noodle soup that is filled with rice...
This dish is made from chicken, chilli, garlic and chopped shallots, which have been stir-fried and topped...
This spicy dish is made with deep-fried chicken breast that has been stir-fried with dried chilli, peppercorns...
This rich and spicy soup is perfect for chilli lovers. The hot pot soup base is slow-cooked...
This spicy hot pot soup is perfect for chilli lovers. The hot pot soup base is slow-cooked...
These noodles are made with handmade plain flour noodles, slow cooked lamb shoulder, capsicum, shallots, onions and...
This sushi roll is made with sliced cucumber and crab meat and topped with slices of melt-in-your-mouth...
This well-balanced dish is made with a pork broth that has been cooked with chilli, vinegar and...
This simple dish is made from traditional Japanese noodles with a small splashing of well-balanced and flavoursome...
This sushi roll is made with cooked spicy chicken and fresh avocado and topped with Sushi Edo’s...
This dish is a traditional spicy pork noodle soup with the addition of seafood flavour. It is...
This dish is a traditional spicy pork noodle soup with the addition of miso flavour. It is...
This dish is a traditional spicy pork noodle soup. It is the same dish as the Nagahama...