With a variety of textures and tastes in every bite, this box is perfect for those seeking...
Immerse yourself in a harmonious freshness and flavour as you indulge in a premium assortment of expertly...
At the heart of the Iki Salmon Poke Bowl lies succulent salmon, delicately marinated to enhance its...
This delectable creation combines the creaminess of ripe avocado with the comforting warmth of grilled cheese, resulting...
Succulent prawns, crisp mixed greens, and an array of fresh vegetables come together in a harmonious medley,...
The deluxe seafood box has the perfect mix of your fresh local favourites in a convenient box...
Succulent grilled barramundi fish, with a giant serving of chips. Balanced out with a fresh salad, guacamole,...
Super cheesy baked scallops on fluffy bread. It’s a simple dish that you will order time and...
Served straight out of the live fish tank and served in an incredible presentation. The fish is...
It is a Vietnamese dish consisting of pork, prawn, vegetables, rice noodle, and other ingredients wrapped in...
Char kway teow is made of a mix of flat rice noodles and yellow wheat noodles. Stir-fried...
Tender fish fillet poached in seasoned water, then topped with spices, Sichuan boiled fish is tasty, pungent...
Crispy panko breadcrumbs are tossed in aromatic shrimp oil, along with fried ginger, garlic and chili. This...
Served with oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, rice wine and the spiciness of fresh red chilies, these...
Succulent grilled dory fish, topped with miso butter. Balanced out with perfectly cooked long chips, and a...
Sichuan Boiled Fish (Shui Zhu Yu, 水煮鱼) Made using the whole fish, it is heavy on chilli ...
Whole fish is grilled with sauces made with Doubanjiang, garlic and Sichuan peppercorn. The fish is roasted...
A combination chow mein – Chinese egg noodles stir fried with chicken, pork, and prawn.
This is a very popular lunch item for many office workers in Seoul, Korea. It is best...
A humble Chinese Fish Soup that will nourish the body down through to your soul! This silky...
This noodle dish is made from vermicelli noodles that have been stir-fried with pork mince, chopped vegetables...
This seafood dish is made with fresh abalone, sea cucumber, shark fin, fish maw and cabbage, which...
This dish is made with a high quality fresh abalone that is braised and topped with Golden...
Fresh prawns are stir-fried with a simple chicken stock, mushrooms, ginger and shallots to make this dish....
This platter of fresh scallops, prawns, surf clams and mussels is usually served as a shared entree....
Chefs create this hot pot using chicken and pork broth and slow cooking it for two hours...
This dish is made with sea cucumber that has been braised in oyster sauce to soak up...
Parkland’s signature free range chicken is one of their most popular dishes. The whole free range chicken...
Select your live coral trout from Parklank’s fish tanks, and the chefs with steam the fish with...
After choosing your live lobster from Parkland’s tanks, the chefs will steam and serve the lobster with...
Parklank’s chefs select six fresh oysters and quickly steam them. The oysters are then served with ginger...
After choosing your live mud crab from Parkland’s tanks, the chefs will steam and serve the crab...